Efficiency of library classifications depends on their capacity to embrace current knowledge and social practices. Therefore, the verification (late Latin verificatio – evidence, confirmation, from the Latin verus – true and facio – to make) of upgrade solutions is an essential part of classification system operation and development. The problem of library classification verification is often out of researchers view. The verification mechanism (tools) for upgrade solutions has not been described yet. Therefore, the reliability and relevance of classification upgrade solutions is of scientific and practical value.The purpose of the paper is to summarize the related experience of Research LBC Center of the Russian State Library. Based on s tructured system analysis and the long practice of LBC development and application, the authors examine the mechanism for monitoring publications and identifying innovations, including new terms, concepts, social phenomena, etc., and for assessing and processing data for continuing update of the classification system. Using the example of LBC modernization solutions, the authors discuss advantages and disadvantages of individual methods. They conclude that the classification upgrade verification – essential to the nature of the library classification systems – has to become the key element of the classifying culture. The researchers review and suggest the ways to improve the verification mechanism adopted at the RSL LBC Research Center. The integrated approach to LBC verification is of applied relevance both for the theory of classifications and librarianship.
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
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