Alphabetical Index to the Tables of the Library and Bibliographic Classification: Theory and Practice of Formation


Kononova Ekaterina V.1ORCID,Fedulova Olga E.1ORCID


1. Russian State Library


The article reveals the main principles of formation of the alphabetical subject index (ASI) to the tables of the Library and Bibliographic Classification (LBC). The main functions of the ASI are considered. The significance of the personality of one of the developers of the LBC of Cecilia Moiseevna Berdichevskaya in forming the potential for further development of the national classification system, ensuring its fundamentality, comprehensiveness and integrity at all stages of development is revealed. Directly C.M. Berdichevskaya prepared the original methodology of compiling subject indexes to systematic catalogues of libraries, which was later used in the creation of the ASI to the tables of the LBC. The completion of the publication of the LBC tables for scientific libraries (1960—1968) was an outstanding event in Russian librarianship. The theoretical development of the ASI to the LBC tables was most fully reflected in the “Introduction” to the classification and in articles published in special periodicals.


FSBI Russian State Library

Reference21 articles.

1. Ivanova O.A., Fedulova O.E. The LBC Consolidated Alphabetical Subject Index: New Edition, Rumyantsevskie chteniya — 2023: v 3 ch. [Rumyantsev Readings —2023: in 3 parts]. Moscow, Pashkov Dom Publ., 2023, part 1, pp. 324—329 (in Russ.).

2. Fedulova O.E., Kononova E.V. Olga Pankratievna Teslenko, the Enthusiast and Innovator of Scientific Research: to the 50th Anniversary of the First Edition of the Library Bibliographic Classification, Bibliotekovedenie [Russian Journal of Library Science], 2018, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 665—672. DOI: 10.25281/0869-608X-2018-67-6-665-672 (in Russ.).

3. Bibliotechno-bibliograficheskaya klassifikatsiya: Tablitsy dlya nauchnykh bibliotek [Library and Bibliographic Classification: Tables for Scientific Libraries]. Moscow, Kniga Publ., 1968, issue 1, Introduction, 274 p.

4. Berdichevskaya C.M. Predmetnye ukazateli k sistematicheskim katalogam nauchnykh bibliotek: teoriya i metodika. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. [Subject Indexes to Systematic Catalogues of Scientific Libraries: Theory and Methodology]. Moscow, Kniga Publ., 1974, 110 p.

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