Recognition and promotion of the great poet Abai Qunanbaiuly in China


Saishanhuli Wumuerjiang,Abdimanuly Omirkhan,Manafu Bahatiguli,Shaduahasi Ayiding


Relevance. Abai Qunanbaiuly is a great Kazakh poet, public figure and educator. The versatility of the work of the national poet and progressive thinker of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the memory of which is maintained at the state level, influences the development and formation of modern intercultural dialogue between Kazakhstan and China. Purpose. Abai Qunanbaiuly, the creator of the Kazakh literary language, is also a factor determining the cultural identity of Kazakhs, a significant part of whom live outside of Kazakhstan. Methodology. Recognition and popularisation of Abai's creativity within the country have become especially relevant in the framework of the formation and development of the new Independent Kazakhstan. Migration processes of the 20th century led to large-scale resettlement of Kazakhs to the territory of Western China. The problem of ethnic authenticity for the population of the Kazakh population of China, which preserves its traditional culture, is extremely relevant both for the Kazakhs themselves and for China. Results. The popularisation of Abai's heritage in China is a multifaceted and complex process related both to solving domestic political problems and establishing good-neighbourly relations with neighbouring Kazakhstan, which has embarked on the path of independence. This study identifies the main factors that influenced the process of popularisation and promotion of Abai Qunanbaiuly's creativity in China, and highlights the main directions of the process. The use of the comparative-analytical method and the method of systematisation made it possible to effectively organise the scientific search for material to solve the tasks. Conclusions. The study not only identified and defined the main directions of popularisation of the creative heritage of the poet, but also attempted to determine the qualitative level of the popularisation process, which can be regarded at this stage as the beginning of the process of actualisation of the creative heritage of Abai Qunanbaiuly. The results of this study can be used to develop a strategy for further research in a given direction.


Scientific Journals Publishing House

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