Evaluating the Importance of Key Success Factors for Installing Solar Plants
Degirmenci Mehmet Salih1, Dursun Mehtap1, Goker Nazli1
1. Industrial Engineering Department, Decision Analysis Research and Application Center Galatasaray University Ciragan Caddesi no:36 Ortakoy, Besiktas, Istanbul TURKEY
Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most widely used energy type in the world. The installation of solar energy power plants is very costly and it is not possible to change the area then. Thus, it is very important to choose the area where the power plant will be installed correctly. In this study, analytic network process (ANP) is employed to find the importance of key success factors for installing solar plants in the right area. The success factors are determined by reviewing the literature and by obtaining the experts opinions.
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
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