1. Katedra Zagospodarowania Środowiska i Polityki Przestrzennej, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Uniwersytet Łódzki
In this article, the goal was to assess spatial accessibility to the parks in Łódż for example of cycling, individual transport and public transport. Parks represent basic units of recreational greenery in the city. (Czerwieniec, Lewińska 2000). In Łódź are 43 parks, which are located mainly in the rail peripheral or right behind her (Jakóbczyk-Gryszkiewicz 2008). To determine the spatial accessibility to the parks in the analyzed city, were calculated the number and percentage of the population, which living in 2016 in isochrones: 0-5; 5-10; 10-15; 15-20; 20-25; 25-30 minutes from the parks. In the study were taken into account the different means of transport - car, bicycle and public. It was found that the most beneficial for the residents of the city is by bike. In the case of 3/4 of the population of Łódż travel time by bike to the park is less than 5 minutes. Bicycle and public transport provide access to the parks, the vast majority of inhabitants of the city in time to 5 minutes, while individual transport in time 5-10 minutes. Most preferably, due to the accessibility for the residents of the city, are located parks in the city center, and behind its borders, in turn, within the rail perimeter. Over there the population density is greatest, unfortunately, a small area of parks.
Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Komunikacji RP
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