1. Uniwersytet Wrocławski
The aim of the study is to assess the spatial accessibility of public transport within a medium sized city using the example of Sanok. In particular, the focus was on pedestrian access to bus stops, especially in terms of the distribution of housing and population, as well as the frequency of trips. In addition, an additional objective is to determine the feasibility of using data sources available in Poland, such as the Topographical Objects Database, Open Street Map or the 2011 Census, to study the accessibility of public transport in medium-sized cities. The results should form the basis for further benchmarking of such cities. The analysis showed that the vast majority of the population of Sanok has access to public transport from their places of residence, but the number of available courses varies considerably from one area to another and is divided into working days, Saturdays and Sundays. In most cases, the number of courses serving stops corresponds to the characteristics of their accessibility areas in terms of population or location of important destinations. It also identified built-up areas with relatively low accessibility or lacking good accessibility to public transport. The data sources used in the study, available throughout the whole country, as well as the procedures applied for their preparation and presentation allow for more extensive comparative research in the future in the area of many cities.
Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Komunikacji RP