The effectiveness of a positively vs. negatively valenced PSA against sexually transmitted diseases – evidence from an experimental study


Ort Alexander,Fahr Andreas


This study examines the effects of positive compared to negative appeals in persuasive health communication about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The theoretical background draws on the Extended Parallel Process Model, which is mainly used to ex- plain the processing of negative appeals (fear) in these contexts. Participants (N = 160; Mage = 22.59, SD = 2.48, 57.4% female; mainly students) took part in a one-factorial experiment by viewing an advertisement promoting the use of condoms that was emotionally framed as either humorous (positive) or threatening (negative) to induce an emotional experience of joy or fear, respectively. Emotional experiences were tested as predictors for health behavior-related outcomes by means of hierarchical regression analyses. Data pro- vides evidence for the beneficial effect of positive emotional appeals on message judgment and attitudes towards the proposed behavior. The threatening appeal reduced perceptions of efficacy and led to an increase in reactance. These findings provide further evidence for carefully using fear appeals in persuasive health communication and speak in favor of integrating positive emotional appeals in these contexts.


Nomos Verlag







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