1. Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny, Russian Federation
At the present stage, pedagogical tests are one of the most accessible and developed methods for assessing students' knowledge. Evaluation of the results of global research on testing problems showed that the developers of test items pay special attention to the form and their standardization, the processing of test results and the interpretation of the data obtained, methods of automatic test formation. The goal is to study the possibility of using testing to assess the formation of students' competencies. Materials and methods. Theoretical: a review of psychological and pedagogical literature on research issues, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization. Results. Testing characterizes a number of properties, the main of which is the objectivity of the assessment of results, the definition of "gaps" in knowledge. The result of testing is obtaining objective information about the quality of knowledge and skills, determining the sections that are the worst learned by the students. All of the above makes it possible to adjust the course of training. Test control can be external, when the subjects are offered a dichotometric range, which contains both completed and unfulfilled tasks on a wide range of issues. During the testing process, students have the opportunity to independently identify gaps in their own knowledge. The study confirms the possibility of using testing in assessing the formation of students' competencies and ultimately provides an increase in the level of knowledge. Conclusion. At the present stage, the introduction of tests into educational practice is an inevitable process, therefore, efforts should be directed to the development of a theoretical platform for the testing system, which will entail an increase in the efficiency of using tests as a form of control.
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