Coupler curves of moving graphs and counting realizations of rigid graphs


Grasegger Georg,El Hilany Boulos,Lubbes Niels


A calligraph is a graph that for almost all edge length assignments moves with one degree of freedom in the plane, if we fix an edge and consider the vertices as revolute joints. The trajectory of a distinguished vertex of the calligraph is called its coupler curve. To each calligraph we uniquely assign a vector consisting of three integers. This vector bounds the degrees and geometric genera of irreducible components of the coupler curve. A graph, that up to rotations and translations admits finitely many, but at least two, realizations into the plane for almost all edge length assignments, is a union of two calligraphs. We show that this number of realizations is equal to a certain inner product of the vectors associated to these two calligraphs. As an application we obtain an improved algorithm for counting numbers of realizations, and by counting realizations we characterize invariants of coupler curves.


Austrian Science Fund


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


Applied Mathematics,Computational Mathematics,Algebra and Number Theory

Reference28 articles.

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5. The number of realizations of a Laman graph;Capco, Jose;SIAM J. Appl. Algebra Geom.,2018

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