Goal. Molecular identification of carriers of the H1 gene among potato varieties of the Polish research department of the Institute of Potatoes of the National Academy of Sciences (IC) and comparison of these data with the results of the biotest analysis for resistance to Globodera rostochiensis.
Methods. The use of molecular markers that indicate the detection of the resistance allele in the genomic of the variety. The PCR method was used. The lines were also analyzed by a biotest method.
Results. Screening of allele of the molecular marker H1 gene in a selection of 70 cultivar samples showed that 67 (95.7%) samples have the allele associated with resistance, and 3 — the allele for susceptibility. The paper presents the results of the study of the resistance of potato breeding lines of the Ukrainian breeding of 1—2 years of testing, provided by the Polish Research Station. 60 resistant variety samples were established by the biotest method. 10 variety samples were noted, in which the results of analysis by the molecular methods and bioassay did not match.
Conclusions. Therefore, a comparison of the bioassay method and molecular studies showed a coincidence of results in 60 (85.7%) resistant breeding lines in the study.
Institute of Plant Protection of NAAS
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