Technical aspects of inductively coupled plasma bioanalysis techniques


Ammerman Jennifer1,Huang Chaoyang2,Sailstad Jeffrey3,Wieling Jaap4,Whitmire Monica Lee5,Wright Daniel2,de Lisio Patricia6,Keenan Fergus7,McCurdy Ed8,Woods Bert9,Wang Phillip10,Osredkar Anastasia2,Ciaravino Jessica2


1. MPI Research, 54943 N. Main Street, Mattawan, MI 49071, USA.

2. MPI Research, 54943 N. Main Street, Mattawan, MI 49071, USA

3. Sailstad & Associates, Inc., NC, USA

4. QPS Netherlands BV, Petrus Campersingel 123, Groningen, The Netherlands

5. 1190 N 5th St, Kalamazoo, MI, USA

6. Microconstants, CA, USA

7. Thermo Fisher Scientific, MA, USA

8. Agilent Technologies UK Limited, Life Sciences & Chemical Analysis, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheshire, UK

9. Agilent Technologies, DE, USA

10. Shire Pharmaceutical, PA, USA


This White Paper is focused on the technical aspects regarding quantifying pharmaceutically derived inorganic elements in biomatrices in support of GLP nonclinical and clinical studies using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques. For decades ICP has been used in support of Environmental Protection Agency analyses and has more recently been applied for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Current bioanalytical method validation and sample analysis regulatory guidance applies to chromatographic platforms used for analysis of large- and small-molecule PK and TK assessments; however, it is not directly applicable to all aspects of various ICP techniques. Increasingly, quadrupole and high-resolution ICP–MS methods of analysis are being used to quantify inorganic elements contained in pharmaceutical compounds and biomatrices. Many elements occur endogenously in biomatrices, affecting quantification of blanks, standard curve samples, QC samples, and the selection of appropriate levels for the LLOQ.


Future Science Ltd


Medical Laboratory Technology,Clinical Biochemistry,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics,General Medicine,Analytical Chemistry

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4. Workshop/conference report—Quantitative bioanalytical methods validation and implementation: Best practices for chromatographic and ligand binding assays

5. The history of bioanalytical method validation and regulation: Evolution of a guidance document on bioanalytical methods validation







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