1. 1) ASM Committee on titanium and titanium alloys. Introduction to titanium and its alloys, Metals Handbook 9th ed Vol. 3 Properties and selection: Stainless steels, tool materials and special-purpose metals, ASM, Materials Park, Ohio, 1980, pp. 354-360.
2. 2) Cunningham DM. Comparison of base metal alloys and type IV gold alloys for removable partial denture frameworks. Dent Clin North Amer 1973; 17: 719-722.
3. 3) ANSI/ ADA Specification No. 5, Dental casting alloys, ADA, Chicago, 1998, pp.1-12.
4. 4) ANSI/ ADA Specification No. 14, Dental base metal casting alloys, ADA, Chicago, 1998, pp.1-10.
5. Mechanical properties and microstructures of cast Ti–Cu alloys