Translators and Social Context: The Case Study of Slovakia


Djovčoš Martin1


1. Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia


This paper investigates the position of translators in Slovak society. It seeks an answer to the question who translates what, how and under which circumstances. To do so, it uses quantitative and qualitative methods of research. The quantitative analysis was performed with a questionnaire and data correlation analysis, whose results were then further tested via a qualitative analysis of 30 translations translated by 10 different translators (3 text types per each translator).1 The findings are juxtaposed with the ideas of Slovak and international translation scholars. The paper deals with translation as communication, the translation process, translator’s competences, the means by which these competences are acquired (formal education or practical experience) and how these factors influence the quality of translators’ output. This research paper presents results gained in the quantitative analysis.


Consortium Erudit


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

Reference34 articles.

1. Bell, Thomas, Roger (1991): Translation and translating: theory and practice. London: Longman.

2. Bednárová, Katarína (1994): Miesto a funkcia prekladu v kultúre národa. Metodologické poznámky k dejinám prekladu [Place and Function of Translation in the Culture of a Nation. Notes on Methodology of Translation History]. In: K otázkam teórie a dejín prekladu na Slovensku II [On Theory and History of Translation in Slovakia II]. Bratislava: Institute of World Literature SAS, 8-29.

3. Biloveský, Vladimír (2011): Zázraky v orechovej škrupinke: Prekladové konkretizácie tvorby S. W. Hawkinga v slovenskom kultúrnom priestore [Miracles in a Nutshell: How Translation of Hawking Resonated in the Slovak Cultural Space ]. Banská Bystrica: Matej Bel University.

4. Djovčoš, Martin (2012):Kto, čo a za akých podmienok prekladá: prekladateľ v kontexte doby [Who, what, how and under which circumstances translates: translators in the context of their time]. Banská Bystrica: Matej Bel University.

5. Djovčoš, Martin and Pliešovská, Ľubica (2011): Power and Shifting Paradigm in Translation. Mutatis Mutandis. 4(1):77-88. Visited on 15 March 2011,

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