Letra: A Teacher Training Program Based on the Adoption of Different Roles


Colognesi Stéphane1,Lucchini Silvia1


1. Université Catholique de Louvain


This Note from the Field presents a teacher training program that seeks to support changes by the trained teachers in their own practice. Change in practice is made possible by the teachers’ assuming four successive roles in the training program: Learner, Engineer, Teacher / Observer, Reflective Analyst (LETRA). LETRA has been tested and tried and has shown promising results. The design of the program is presented in this text, step by step. The views of teacher participants are highlighted.


Consortium Erudit


General Medicine

Reference18 articles.

1. Altet, M. (2004). L’analyse de pratiques en formation initiale des enseignants: développer une pratique réflexive sur et pour l’action réflexive [Analysis of practices in initial teacher training: developing reflective practice on and for reflective action]. Education permanente: l’analyse des pratiques, 160, 101–111.

2. Bocquillon, M., & Derobertmasure, A. (2018). Porter un regard réflexif sur sa pratique. Oui, mais comment ? Vers une didactique de la pratique réflexive. [Taking a reflective look at one’s practice. Yes, but how? Towards didactics of reflective practice] In C. Van Nieuwenhoven, C. Colognesi, & S. Beausart (Eds.), Accompagner les pratiques des enseignants. Un défi pour le développement professionnel en formation initiale, en insertion et en cours de carrière (pp. 81-104). Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses Universitaires de Louvain.

3. Chi, M.T.H., & Wylie, R. (2014). The ICAP framework: Linking cognitive engagement to active learning outcomes. Educational Psychologist, 49(4), 219-243. https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2014.965823

4. Colognesi, S. (2017). Un dispositif de recherche-formation sur l’enseignement/apprentissage de l’oral en milieu scolaire : le cas de DIDAC’TIC [A research-training program on oral teaching/learning in schools: the case of DIDAC'TIC]. La lettre de l’AIRDF, 62, 21-26.

5. Colognesi, S., Deprit, A., Coppe, T., Van Nieuwenhoven, C., März, V., & Hanin, V. (2021). Developing Student Teachers’ Reflexivity Toward Their Course Planning: Implementation of a Training Program Focused on Writing and Reflective Skills. Sage Open, 11(2), https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211016897

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1. Effects of Research-Based Teacher Training on Writing Instruction Practices;Development of Writing Skills in Children in Diverse Cultural Contexts;2023








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