1. ALAVA, S. (1994). Naviguer sans se noyer : multimédia et médiation documentaire. Inter-CDI, 132, 64-68. Aussi : (1995). Naviguer sans se noyer (suite). Du cabotage au grand large : la recherche documentaire sur hypermédia. Inter-CDI, 137, 74-79.
2. ALAVA, S. (1996). Autoroutes de l’information et apprentissages documentaires. Documentaliste – Sciences de l’information, 33 (3), 135-141.
3. ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES (1991). Bibliographic Instruction Section. Dans C. Dusenbury, M. Fusich, K. Kenny et B. Woodard (dir.), Read This First: An Owner’s Guide to the New Model Statement of Objectives for Academic Bibliographic Instruction. Chicago: American Library Association.
4. AUSTRALIAN SCHOOL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (1997). Teaching Information Skills. Perth: ASLA. (CD-ROM).
5. BEHRENS, S. L. (1994). A conceptual analysis and historical overview of information literacy. College and Research Libraries, 55 (4), 309-322.