Introduction: les peuples de l’Arctique et le bois


Alix Claire


Consortium Erudit


General Social Sciences,General Arts and Humanities

Reference36 articles.

1. Alix, Claire, 2009 Persistance and Change in Thule Wood Use, in Herbert Maschner, Owen K. Mason et Robert McGhee (dir.), The Northern World A.D. 900-1400, Salt Lake City, University of Utah Press: 179-205.

2. Andrews, Thomas D. et Glen MacKay (dir.), 2012 The Archaeology and Paleoecology of Alpine Ice Patches: A Global Perspective, Arctic, 65, suppl.1.

3. Arnold, Charles, D., 1994 The importance of wood in the Early Thule Culture of the Western Arctic, in David Morrison et Jean-Luc Pilon (dir.), Threads of Arctic Prehistory: Papers in Honour of William E. Taylor, Jr, Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilization: 269-279.

4. Birket-Smith, Kaj, 1929 The Caribou Eskimos: Material and Social Life and their Cultural Position, deux volumes, Copenhagen, Gyldendal, Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24, 5.

5. Böcher, Jens et Bent Fredskild, 1993 Plant and arthropod remains from the palaeo-Eskimo site on Qeqertasussuk, West Greenland, Meddelelser om Grønland - Geoscience, 30: 3-33.







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