1. CROFTON, Ambrose, 1798 Report on a Cruise around Newfoundland and along Labrador, UK National Archives, Colonial Office 194 Series, vol. 40: 17-34, microfilm on file, Corner Brook, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus, Ferriss Hodgett Library.
2. DRACHARDT, Christen Larsen, 1770 To Bruder Joseph [August Gottlieb] Spangenberg, Chateau Bay, 20 September 1770, R.15.K.a.5.6, Herrnhut, Unity Archives.
3. IRVING, Joseph, 1772 Masters Logs, Public Record Office, Admiralty Series 52, folio 1387, HMS Otter Master’s Logs 1768-1773, Log Book no. 9, Kew, UK National Archives.
4. PALLISER, Sir Hugh, 1765 Series of documents relating to the Labrador Coast, UK National Archives, Colonial Office 194 Series, vol. 16: 225-245, microfilm on file, Corner Brook, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus, Ferriss Hodgett Library.
5. REYNOLDS, R.C., 1786 Account of the French Fisheries for 1786, UK National Archives, Colonial Office 194 Series, vol. 21: 39, microfilm on file, Corner Brook, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Grenfell Campus, Ferriss Hodgett Library.