La littératie visuelle : un cadre pour analyser des activités orales utilisées en alphabétisation-francisation des adultes, mais conçues pour un public différent


Laberge Carl


Consortium Erudit


General Earth and Planetary Sciences

Reference30 articles.

1. Altherr Flores, J. A. (2021a). The interplay of text and image on the meaning-making processes of adult L2 learners with emerging literacy: Implications for test design and evaluation frameworks. Language Assessment Quarterly, 18(5), 508-529.

2. Altherr Flores, J. A. (2021b). The semiotics of writing: How adult L2 learners with emergent literacy make meaning in assessment texts through writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 51.

3. Altherr Flores, J. A. (2017). Social semiotics and multimodal assessment of L2 adult emergent readers from refugee backgrounds. Dans M. Sosiński (dir.), Alfabetización y aprendizaje de idiomas por adultos: Investigación, política educativa y práctica docente. Literacy education and second language learning by adults: Research, policy and practice (p. 9-31). Editorial Universidad de Granada.

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5. Bédard, V. (2021, mars). Regard sur l’utilisation du matériel didactique en classe d’alphafrancisation [mémoire de maitrise inédit]. Université du Québec à Montréal.







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