1. The V-configuration probe calibration was performed by setting a nozzle exit velocity and recording the output voltages of each anemometer at probe angular positions from -45° to +45° in increments of 5°. A complete calibration involved repetition ofthis process for a number of exit velocities to cover the range expected during testing. An attempt was made to correlate the relationship between output voltage and probe angle with the "cosine" law of Champagne 11 ; however, limited agreement was found. Subsequently, a regression analysis was performed on the calibration data, and the anemometer output voltages were functionally related to the flow magnitude and direction. The combined accuracy of the calibration and regression curve fit was tl 0 for flow direction and t2 fps for flow magnitude. Test Procedure
2. NACA0012 at x/c .165 and z/c = 3.87 Experimental • Data ReX10-6 0 0.158 □ 0.316 *0.524 •
3. 0.185 o 0.369 *0.5-54 • 0.739 x/c• .165
4. Data 0 Rexl 0-6 0 0.185 0 0.369 *