1. 1Jehanno,A.,Palmer, D., and James, C. "High Speed RailandSustainability,"International Unionof Railways, 2011.
2. 2Martens, A., Wedemann, J., Meunier, N., Leclere., A., Deutsche Bahn, A. G., and Systemtechnik, D. B. "High speed train noise-soundsourcelocalizationat fast passingtrains,"DeutscheBahn AG, Sociedad Espanola deAcoustica, SEA,2009.
3. Identification, modelling and reduction potential of railway noise sources: a critical survey
4. Research at DLR Göttingen on bluff body aerodynamics, drag reduction by wake ventilation and active flow control
5. On aerodynamic noises radiated by the pantograph system of high-speed trains