1. N2` O2 and CO, in a wide been performed for a number of diatomic species, including H range of temperatures and vibrational quantum numbers [19-241. Unfortunately, the direct use of this and other semiclassical methods in modeling calculations is difficult due to the considerable amount of computer time that would be required, while suggested analytic parametrization have very little or no theoretical basis.
2. Finally, there exists a semiclassical non-perturbative analytic solution for the V-T and V-V-T transition probabilities of Eqs. (1,2) for a harmonic oscillator acted upon by an external exponential fofce [29-311. This is the solution that is called the "forced harmonic oscillator (FHO)" model throughout this paper. The FHO model was originally developed for the simplified collision model, and it neglects the role of vibration-rotation coupling. However, it does take into account the coupling of many vibrational states during a collision, which is crucial not only for multi-quantum processes, but also for single-quantum processes at high collision velocities and high quantum numbers 191.
3. 2nZw G2/p)r2 -2 lrw FOPT(I+O) = s . 2 sinh [;] .