1. SchlichtingH., Boundary-Layer Theory, 7th ed., McGraw–Hill, New York, 1979, pp. 158–162.
2. SquireH. B.YoungA. D. “The Calculation of the Profile Drag of Aerofoils,” Aeronautical Research Committee, Repts. and Memoranda No. 1838, 1938.
3. YoungA. D. “Note on Momentum Methods of Measuring Profile Drags at High Speeds,” Aeronautical Research Council, Repts. and Memoranda No. 1963, 1940.
4. ZwaaneveldJ. “Comparison of Various Methods for Calculating Profile Drag from Pressure Measurements in the Near Wake at Subcritical Speeds,” National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR Rept. NLR-MP-73001-U, 1973.
5. CookT. A. “Measurements of the Boundary Layer and Wake of Two Aerofoil Sections at High Reynolds Numbers and High-Subsonic Mach Numbers,” Aeronautical Research Council, Repts. and Memoranda No. 3722, 1973.