1. In order to investigate the ability to predict the performance of ejector nozzles at higher primary total temperatures, a series of solutions was obtained for the cylindrical shroud ejector whose test results are presented in reference 12. These ejector nozzles were tested with an afterburning turbojet engine mounted in an altitude facility. Power settings were varied from part power to maximum afterburning yielding exhaust primary gas temperatures between 1600° and 3500° R. In order to accommodate the flow, the primary nozzle angle was varied from 5 to 15 degrees. Therefore, as the power setting was varied, both the nozzle lip angle and shroud diameter ratio changed. The secondary inlet temperature used in the calculation presented in Figure (9) was based on experimental measured results. In general, the theory was able to predict fairly well both the pumping and thrust characteristics that were measured. The stream thrust (or vacuum thrust) parameter used to compare theory and data was defined in terms of the sonic throat area of .the primary nozzle (A;) and the primary total pressure (P ) •