1. 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 -400 -200
2. 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 -400 -200
3. Figure 12 illustrates the flight data for the relevant measurement segment of the flight test, i.e. the segment where the ATTAS fly-by-wire control system was turned on, and the actual test was performed. For the first 1860 seconds of this segment the ATTAS is flown through rough atmosphere at about 4000 ft and with a true airspeed
4. Nz (green line) are heavily excited between 0s and 1860s. The turbulence can also be seen in the AOAFLOGsignal (red line) in the bottom plot. The bottom plot also shows that the adaptive feed-forward wing bending alleviation system is turned on after 470 seconds of measurement, compare the cyan line that represents the DLC command. The first 470 seconds are used for evaluation withoutwing bending vibrationcontrol.