Aminoglycoside tolerance in Vibrio cholerae engages translational reprogramming associated to queuosine tRNA modification


Fruchard Louna12,Babosan Anamaria1ORCID,Carvalho Andre1ORCID,Lang Manon1ORCID,Li Blaise3ORCID,Duchateau Magalie4ORCID,Giai-Gianetto Quentin45,Matondo Mariette4ORCID,Bonhomme Frédéric6,Hatin Isabelle7,Arbes Hugo7,Fabret Céline7,Sanchez Guillaume8,Marchand Virginie8,Motorin Yuri8,Namy Olivier7ORCID,de Crécy-Lagard Valérie910ORCID,Mazel Didier1ORCID,Baharoglu Zeynep1ORCID


1. Institut Pasteur, Université de Paris Cité, Unité Plasticité du Génome Bactérien

2. Sorbonne Université, Collège Doctoral

3. Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub

4. Institut Pasteur, Université de Paris, Proteomics Platform, Mass Spectrometry for Biology Unit

5. Institut Pasteur, Université de Paris, Department of Computation Biology, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub

6. Institut Pasteur, Université Paris cité, Epigenetic Chemical Biology Unit

7. Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, CNRS, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC)

8. Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Inserm, UAR2008/US40 IBSLor, Epitranscriptomics and RNA Sequencing Core Facility and UMR7365 IMoPA

9. Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, University of Florida

10. University of Florida Genetics Institute


Tgt is the enzyme modifying the guanine (G) in tRNAs with GUN anticodon to queuosine (Q). tgt is required for optimal growth of Vibrio cholerae in the presence of sub-lethal aminoglycoside concentrations. We further explored here the role of the Q in the efficiency of codon decoding upon tobramycin exposure. We characterized its impact on the overall bacterial proteome, and elucidated the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of Q modification in antibiotic translational stress response. Using molecular reporters, we showed that Q impacts the efficiency of decoding at tyrosine TAT and TAC codons. Proteomics analyses revealed that the anti-SoxR factor RsxA is better translated in the absence of tgt . RsxA displays a codon bias towards tyrosine TAT and overabundance of RsxA leads to decreased expression of genes belonging to SoxR oxidative stress regulon. We also identified conditions that regulate tgt expression. We propose that regulation of Q modification in response to environmental cues leads to translational reprogramming of genes bearing a biased tyrosine codon usage. In silico analysis further identified candidate genes possibly subject to such translational regulation, among which DNA repair factors. Such transcripts, fitting the definition of modification tunable transcripts, are plausibly central in the bacterial response to antibiotics.


eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd

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