Neighborhood Fast-food availability and Fast-food consumption among Households


R Karpagavalli.1,T Nanthini.2


1. M.Sc Nursing, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry, India.

2. Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry, India.


Background: Obesity is currently a major public health issue in all over the world. Food is important for survival. Consumption of fast foods has become almost a global phenomenon. India’s fast-food industry is expanding at the rate of 40% every year. India ranks 10th in the fast-food per capita spending with 2.1% of expenditure in annual total spending1. Aim: The aim of the study was to identify the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Neighborhood fast food availability and fast-food consumption among households in selected urban area, in Puducherry”, to find out the correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding neighbourhood fast food availability and fast-food consumption among households and to find association of level of knowledge and attitude regarding neighbourhood fast food availability and fast-food consumption among households with selected demographic variables. Subjects and Methods: A descriptive cross sectional research was conducted among 50households in Lawspet area Puducherry, by convenience sampling technique, quantitative approach. Data was collected by using self-structured questionnaire developed by the investigator. Interview method was used to collect socio demographic data and to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Neighborhood fast food availability and fast-food consumption. Results: The study result shows that 50 households out of 34(68%) had moderate knowledge, 35(70%) had positive attitude, 21(42%) of them prefer favourite fast-food place is road side shop/restaurants, 2(40%) used to spend on fast food daily a average amount of above Rs.80 and 31(62%) were aware about fast foods through advertisement, social media and by the newspaper. Conclusion: The study concluded that households in urban area prefer fast food that there was a moderate knowledge, had positive attitude, eat fast food few times a month, favourite fast-food place prefer at road side shop/restaurants, Everyone spend Rs. 80/- on fast food daily aware about fast foods consumptions and In effect but prefer more fast food leads obesity. Community health nurse play effective role in teaching public about the effect of fast-food consumption and avoidance of fast foods. Researcher created awareness to to avoid fast foods and fast-food consumption to all households by distributing pamphlets.


A and V Publications

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