Ivanov I M,Chepur S V,Nikiforov A S,Yudin M A,Averina A L
The article assesses the current level of technical devices and dosage forms intended for the use of medical protective equipment, discusses global trends and prospects for their short-term and medium-term development. Considered foreign samples autoinjectors, portable inhalers, patch pump, nasal, transdermal and buccal forms. Presents indicators of the effectiveness of various dosage forms, their advantages and disadvantages, discusses ways to overcome the latter in the provision of medical care in the prehospital stages and in transporting the wounded and affected. When assessing the possibility of using medical protection in various technical devices or dosage forms, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of their manufacturability and the readiness of the domestic production base for mass production and state registration as medicines or medical products. It was concluded that in the short term for the development of domestic medical remedies it is advisable to introduce inhaled and intranasal forms of drugs for use in the prehospital medical care.
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