Obtaining and research of pharmaceutical properties of antiemetics in a form of powder for inhalation


Ivanov Igor M.,Pechurina Tatiana B.,Vengerovich Nikolai G.ORCID,Yudin Mikhail A.,Nikiforov Aleksandr S.,Raguzin Evgenii V.,Kuzmich Vladimir G.,Proshina Yulia A.


Samples of antiemetic drugs (ondansetronum, palonosetronum, metoclopramidum) in the form of powder for inhalation have been developed by the method of spray drying. The granulometric composition, hygroscopicity and aerodynamic distribution of aerosol particles of the drugs have been investigated. The dosage form of the powder for inhalation of antiemetics (ondansetronum and palonosetronum) in terms of its particle size distribution, hygroscopicity and content of the agent corresponds to those for inhalation using dry powder inhalers. In the study of the phase-dispersed composition of aerosol, ondansetronum and palonosetronum in the dosage form of powder for inhalation as part of the HandiHaler inhaler (at a flow rate of 60 l/min) showed high rates of the released dose up to 7276%, respirable particle fraction (up to 5 m) up to 5456% and a mass median particle size of about 3 microns. Obtaining the inhaled form of metoclopramide requires optimization of the production method for receiving the product with acceptable pharmaceutical properties.


ECO-Vector LLC


Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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