Development of optimization mathematical models for making compromise decisions on the efficiency of the fleet of agricultural moving power units


Zubina Valeria A.ORCID,Godzhaev Teymur Z.ORCID,Malakhov Ivan S.ORCID


BACKGROUND: Structurization and selection of a compromise solution from a multiple number of contradictory criteria facilitates the decision-maker (DM) to determine the design characteristics and output impacts related to them at the design stage. AIM: Determination of the most significant criteria for solving the optimization problem using the software and hardware system of multi-criteria optimization in terms of the efficiency of the MPU fleet for the selection of a compromise decision by the decision-maker. METHODS: The analysis is based on the collection of scientific papers, scientific articles and other information sources on RD works on the creation of intelligent transport-technical units and on the improvement of methodology and software of multi-criteria optimization analysis of efficiency of the MPU fleet. In addition, methods of scientific generalization and statistical processing of available information and analytical materials from domestic and foreign sources were used. RESULTS: As a result of the analysis, the most preferable criteria of the MPU fleet optimization were chosen, the list of variable parameters for further solution of the optimization problem was formed. CONCLUSIONS: The practical value lies in determining the main criteria for optimization of the MPU fleet in order to perform subsequent optimization analysis.


ECO-Vector LLC

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