Psychological features of cadets with military professional maladjustment


Yatmanov A N


The psychological characteristics of professionally maladapted cadets are considered. For signs of maladjustment were taken: performance - 3,5 points and below; physical fitness - 3 points and below; high incidence: the number of days of work loss from the beginning of the school year - 11 days or more; low discipline; poor relationship with the command and with colleagues, low psychological stability. Psychological personality traits can both contribute to the military-professional adaptation, and hinder it. Well-adapted cadets for training in a military college are characterized by a high level of stress tolerance, they are curious, have flexible thinking, they have hyperthymic characterological features. Professionally maladjusted cadets are characterized by stereotyped thinking, the prevalence of anxious and exalted character traits, the use of physical force against another person, readiness for the manifestation of negative feelings with the slightest excitement (hot temper), suspicion of relations with others, the expression of negative feelings as through form (cry , screeching), and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats), the oppositional manner in behavior from passive resistance to active struggle From established customs and laws, they are more aggressive. Based on discriminant modeling, a highly informative forecast model of military professional maladjustment of cadets was developed as part of medical and psychological support measures (Wilks lambda: 0,29207 approx. F (4,58)=35,146; p


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