Psychophysiological Characteristics of Cognitive Functions at Cadets of the Naval Institute with Military Training Experience


Petrenko M.I.1ORCID


1. N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy


The aim of our research is to studying the psychophysiological characteristics of the cognitive functions and their electrophysiological manifestations at cadets of the first course with military-training experience with different levels of adaptation to training. The object was first-year cadets of the Military Institute (Naval) of N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy which graduated from Suvorov Military High Schools (n=44). The mean of ages is 18±0,7 years. All cadets were divided into 3 groups with the help of integrated assessment of the effectiveness of cognitive functions and their electrophysiological manifestations. Cadets with a high level of development of working memory, ability to solve of spatial orientation and arithmetic problems, balance of nervous processes of excitation and inhibition, were characterized by an average of heart rate and an average of heart rate variability, low values of the relative spectral power of heart rate modulations in the low frequency range. The cadets of this group had a high relative power in the range of delta-2 rhythm of EEG in the right central lead when solving sensorimotor tasks in comparison with other groups.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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