Experience of operation monitoring system of the cat-bone bridge through the Petrovskaya Channel in the alignment of the Western Speed Diameter Highway in St. Petersburg


Makhonko Andrey A.ORCID,Malkov Aleksey V.ORCID,Belyi Andrey A.ORCID,Antonyuk Anatoly A.ORCID


Aim: Analysis of the current monitoring system of the engineering structures of a cable-stayed bridge across the Petrovsky Canal in the alignment of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter highway in St. Petersburg. Methods and Materials: Statistical data from the databases of the existing system of monitoring engineering structures is used to obtain the results. The tasks, set within the framework of the study, are accomplished by applying the theoretical methods of scientific knowledge: the analytical method, the mathematical statistics theory, induction. Results: Analysis of the current monitoring system of engineering structures is presented with a description of one of the main problems the impossibility of synchronizing readings from all sensors during considered period of time, which leads to the inability to correctly assess the stress-strain state of the bridge structure as a whole. Discovered problem solutions are proposed, further research prospect is determined in part of the imperfection of monitoring systems for long-span facilities. Conclusion: The obtained study results can be used in designing and installation of monitoring systems of the engineering structures for cable-stayed bridges, as well as for modernization and optimization of existing monitoring systems to improve the quality of assessing technical condition of structures assessment.


ECO-Vector LLC

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