Structural approach to assessing the performance of the monitoring system of engineering structures of the cablestayed bridge over the Petrovsky Canal in the construction of the western speed diameter highway in St. Petersburg. Part 1


Mahon'ko Andrey1,Lazarev Yuriy2,Antonyuk Anatoliy3


1. Highway Operator Nord, LLC

2. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

3. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


Purpose: assessing the performance of the monitoring system for engineering structures and assessing the current state of the structures of the cable-stayed bridge across the Petrovsky Canal in the alignment of the Western High-Speed Diameter highway in the city of St. Petersburg due to the occurrence of emergency situations in which accelerometers on the pylons record values exceeding the limit. Methods: statistical data from the databases of the existing system of monitoring engineering structures is used to obtain the results. The tasks, set within the framework of the study, are accomplished by applying the theoretical methods of scientific knowledge: the analytical method, the mathematical statistics theory, induction. Results: the resulting structural approach to assessing the performance of the monitoring system for engineering structures on cable-stayed bridges makes it possible to reduce the number of false alarms of the system and assess the current state of the bridge structure. Within the framework of the III stage of the structural approach, it is proposed to develop a methodology for assessing the performance of the monitoring system for engineering structures with subsequent assessment of the current state of cable-stayed bridge structures. Practical significance: the results of the work are important for construction as they expand the understanding of the features of the mechanism of soil freezing.


Petersburg State Transport University

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