Aim: with the use of simulation modeling, analyze and choose the most rational option for the reconstruction of the St. Petersburg-Main station with partial preservation of the Kokorev warehouses included in the list of cultural heritage objects.
Methods: methods of simulation modeling.
Results: the analysis of three options for the reconstruction of the stations St. Petersburg-Main and St. Petersburg-Tov.-Moscow, necessary in connection with the construction of the St. Petersburg-Moscow high–speed highway (HSH-1) and the arrangement of the final terminal of HSH-1 on the territory of the apron park of the St. Petersburg-Main station. By the method of simulation modeling, the necessary and sufficient track development of the stations was determined, a reconstruction option with partial preservation of the Kokorev warehouses included in the list of cultural heritage objects was proposed.
Conclusion: the implementation of the proposed option for the reconstruction of the platform park of the St. Petersburg-Glavny station will allow, without the need for reconstruction of the locomotive facilities and technical parks, partially preserve the warehouses of the Kokorevs included in the list of cultural heritage sites.
Reference18 articles.
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