Features of the hormone-receptor interaction in the endometrium during ovulatory menstrual cycle in women with reproductive failure


Aganezov S S,Ellinidi V N,Ponomarenko K Yu,Morotskaya A V,Aganezova N V


A comparative analysis of the levels of estradiol and progesterone in the blood, immunohistochemical parameters of estrogen receptors and progesterone in endometrium in women with a history of reproductive disorders is presented. It was found that all women had an ovulatory ovarian cycle, levels of estradiol and progesterone in the blood were within the reference values. In women with reproductive failures in the history (n=107), four types of hormone-receptor response in the endometrium were identified. In 46 (43%) women, the first (normoreceptor) type of endometrial response was detected, without significant differences from the control group (n=15) corresponding to the middle stage of the secretion phase. Hyperreceptor (hyper-estrogen-progesterone-receptor, hyper-estrogen-receptor, hyper-progesterone-receptor) types have been identified in 61 patients (57%) with reproductive dysfunctions. The endometrium corresponded to the mid secretory phase was detected in 47 (44%), inadequate secretory phase of the endometrium - in 60 (56%) women with reproductive failures in the anamnesis. All women in the control group had a full secretory change in the endometrium. In general, more than half (61 (57%)) of women with reproductive failures in the history with the ovulatory menstrual cycle with normal values of the level of progesterone in the blood showed signs of a decreased endometrial receptivity status. This indicates that the ovulatory level of progesterone in the blood is not an unconditional predictor of full secretory transformations of the endometrium.


ECO-Vector LLC

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