Microbiological analysis of spring water in the Leningrad region


Bogdanova Olga Yu.,Chernykh Tatiana F.


The article presents the results of microbiological studies of spring water sources of the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region, conducted according to the standards of the new SanPiN. The high interest of the population in the use of spring water as a source of drinking water is noted, an analysis of the modern research of foreign colleagues of spring waters using new molecular-genetic methods is presented. The value of using modern high-tech methods and traditional methods of sanitary-microbiological analysis of spring water is shown. Based on the studies conducted in 2021-2022 in two seasonal periods, a regular increase in the number of mesophilic microorganisms was noted when transitioning from winter to spring-summer, due to an increase in temperature and activation of the biota of soil and water ecosystems. The spring of the village of Romashki was recognized as unsatisfactory in terms of sanitary-microbiological, based on the excess of the norm for the total number of bacteria and the presence in the sample of generalized coliform bacteria. It is noted that the SanPiN recommendations on the quality of drinking water and microbiological control of its quality can be applied to spring and other types of underground water.


ECO-Vector LLC


Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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