Microbiological analysis of the quality of tap and filtered water in St. Petersburg, taking into account modern requirements


Bogdanova Olga Y.,Chernykh Tatiana F.


The article presents new requirements for the sanitary and microbiological quality of drinking water with the justification of the introduced quality indicators. The modern requirements of the main regulatory and technical document regulating water quality - SanPiN were given and the possibilities of interpretation of microbiological indicators of drinking water quality were explained. The study of samples of tap water in the districts of Saint Petersburg and drinking water, additionally filtered with filters of different designs, has been carried out. It has been shown that microbiological monitoring of drinking water is extremely important for assessing its sanitary and hygienic well-being, since microorganisms are an accurate indicator of environmental pollution. Also, with the help of microbiological analysis, the high quality of purification, disinfection and water treatment of drinking water in Saint Petersburg has been confirmed. The high quality of the water obtained with the help of a stationary filter has also been noted.


ECO-Vector LLC


Materials Science (miscellaneous)

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