The quality of life in primary school children according to the teaching format and motor activity


Lebedenko А.1,Ershova I.2,Levchin А.1,Rogovtsova A.2


1. Rostov State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

2. Saint Luke Lugansk State Medical University, Lugansk People’s Republic, Lugansk


Objective. To study the impact of the duration of distance learning on the quality of life (QOL) in primary school children. Subjects and methods. An open cohort prospective study of primary school children and their parents was conducted using the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory PedsQL 4.0ТМ. A study group included 182 children (and their parents) who had learned in the distance format for 6 months (Lugansk). A comparison group consisted of 234 primary school children (and their parents) who had had distance learning for 2 months (Rostov-on-Don). Results. The analysis of the results indicated that the first ranking place showing in discomfort and the greatest decrease in the QoL indicators in the study group was displayed by the physical functioning scale (6-month distance learning). The second ranking place belonged to school functioning, the level of which in the study group decreased by 1.27 scores compared to the baseline level. The third ranking place is shown by social functioning of primary school children, the indicators of which in the study group were 18.49 scores lower than the initial levels. Conclusion. Prolonged education of primary school children in a distance format affects all aspects of QOL. The greatest decrease in QOL indicators in younger schoolchildren during the formation of basic learning skills is observed in the field of physical, school and social functioning. The assessment of QOL by primary school children and their parents differs.


Russian Vrach, Publishing House Ltd.

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