1. Dedova L.N., Denisova Ju.L., Solomevich A.S. Principy podderzhivajushhej terapii u pacientov s boleznjami periodonta [Principles of maintenance therapy in patients with periodontal disease]. Stomatologija. Innovacii – Dentistry Aesthetics. Innovation. 2020, T. 4, no 1, pp. 23-30.
2. Novak N.V., Starovojtova V.S. Rezul’taty izuchenija mikrotverdosti na granice «armirujushhaja lenta-kompozit» [Results of studying microhardness at the “reinforcing tape-composite” boundary]. Stomatolog. Minsk. – Dentist. Minsk. 2023, no 2 (49), pp. 16-21
3. Novak N.V., Starovojtova V.S. Kriterii ocenki kachestva izgotovlennyh adgezivnyh shinirujushhih konstrukcij [Criteria for assessing the quality of manufactured adhesive splinting structures]. Stomatolog. Minsk. – Dentist. Minsk. 2023, no 3 (50), pp. 20-27.
4. Novak N.V., Starovojtova V.S. Mikroskopicheskoe issledovanie struktury stomatologicheskih shinirujushhih konstrukcij [Microscopic examination of the structure of dental splinting structures]. Stomatolog. Minsk. – Dentist. Minsk. 2022, no 4 (47), pp. 26-37.
5. Novak N.V., Starovojtova V.S. Rezul’taty issledovanija struktury adgezivnyh shinirujushhih konstrukcij i prochnostnyh pokazatelej [Results of a study of the structure of adhesive splinting structures and strength indicators]. BGMU v avangarde medicinskoj nauki i praktiki: recenzir. ezhegod. sb. nauch. tr.: v 2 t. – BSMU is at the forefront of medical science and practice. Minsk: IVC Minfina, 2023, V. 13, T. 1: Klinicheskaja medicina. Farmacija, pp. 174-178.