


The development of standard requirements in the technique and methods of their determination is an urgent problem whose solution will give the opportunity to policy authorities and producers not only to solve current problems related to the vehicle fleet, but also to determine future needs for technology for Russia as a whole, regions, and farms of all types. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in developing a methodology for calculating the normative need for equipment for crop production using coefficients for converting physical units of equipment into reference units, which allows us to assess the potential efficiency of the fleet, taking into account the main indicators of the technical level for the entire type-size range of machines based on updated data on technologies and characteristics of machines. (Materials and methods) Authors analyzed the state of the machine and tractor fleet and identified negative problems with the equipment of different types of farms. The article presents summarized extensive statistical data on the dynamics of changes in production indicators of major agricultural crops. The conditional (reference) coefficients were studied and clarified. (Results and discussion) The article describes the main provisions of the research carried out in the Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM on determining the normative need of agriculture in technology using conditional (reference) coefficients, which can be used by both farm specialists and relevant ministries. The use of conditional (reference) coefficients allows us to assess the existing level of provision of regions and the country as a whole with the necessary machines and determine the standard demand and the number of equipment of various sizes that should be purchased. (Conclusions) The forecast data provide a benchmark showing the direction of development of mechanical engineering and mechanization of agricultural production. As the structure of acreage changes, as well as their increase or decrease, the need for equipment should be adjusted.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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