Improved Competency of School Principals Through Construction of Work Group


Lynne Teresa1


1. School of Information Studies, University of uOttawa, Canada


The development of school supervision competence through the construction of school supervisors in the activities of the school Principal Work Group (PWG) has been conducted. This research aims to find out: (1) The principal competency of the school principals after the construction of school supervisors in the PWG activities in Sangkuang Island, East Kutai District (2) to know the constraints of increasing competency of principal in Sangkuang Island, East Kutai Regency. This research is a qualitative study, conducted at the state Elementary school in Sangkuang Island, Sangkulirang Sub-district, East Kutai District consisting of 4 schools: (a)Elementary School 003 Sangkulirang; (b) Elementary School 006Sangkulirang, (c) Elementary School 007 Sangkulirang, and d)Elementary School 012 Sangkulirang. The research took place fromJanuary 2017 to July 2017. Data collection techniques throughinterviews, observations and documentation. Data were analyzedusing the Miles and Huberman analysis Model which is an interactivedata analysis consisting of three activities namely data reduction, datapresentation, and conclusion withdrawal. The results showed thatthrough the construction of school supervisors in the PWG activities,the school's supervision competence increased. The headmaster hasbeen able to make the supervision program properly, implementingsupervision with various techniques, whereas in the follow-up theprincipal has done it according to the needs. Construction of schoolsupervisors on PWG activities, making the atmosphere more relaxed,the principals motivated, discuss, brainstorm with supervisors andfellow school principals to solve the problems faced. Principalsdemonstrate a better work ethic and responsibility, unyielding toobstacles. In teaching and learning activities, they can direct teachersto innovate learning innovations. Obstacles are faced in the effort toimprove the performance of primary principal in Sangkuang IslandEast Kutai District is (a) The geographical location separated by thesea and the constraints, the weather caused the schedule of watchdogvisits is often delayed, (b) Teachers who are given additional duties asprincipals are partially not eligible to be the principal, seen from thepoint of competence or other requirements, this is done. Manyteachers who are not willing to become primary principals for remoteareas, (c) The school principal feels difficult to divide time because, inaddition to the task of managing the school, the school principal alsohas a teaching obligation as much as 6 hours of instruction.


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