Stenotic remodeling of coronary vessels in the elderly patients with high cardiovascular risk and the presence of multifocal atherosclerosis


Khasanov Azat K.ORCID,Bakirov Bulat A.ORCID,Kudlay Dmitry A.ORCID,Karamova Irina M.ORCID


Aim. Identifying persons who are distinguished by an increased frequency of stenosing atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries also affects the process of identifying the features of the analyzed disease. Material and methods. The main research method was the method of hierarchical analysis of categorical variables. At the same time, they differentiated into 3 clusters depending on the age and duration of the disease. The age of the analyzed patients is from 61 to 75 years. For diagnostics, a general assessment of the clinical condition, coronary angiography, and echodopleroscopy of a number of carotid and lower limb arteries were performed. The research base is the Regional Vascular Center of Ufa. Results. The work revealed that the age-related feature of 65+ is a stable lesion of the coronary vessels. At the same time, it was determined that both men and women suffer from this. Conclusion. It has been shown that this is characterized by an increased frequency of stenosing-type remodeling.


ECO-Vector LLC

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