
Synyavina Yuliya1ORCID,Butenko Tеtyana1ORCID


1. Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaev


The article is devoted to unlocking the potential of digital technologies in agriculture, in particular in animal husbandry. Digital technologies in animal husbandry allow at the current level to collect and analyze information for production and management decisions aimed at improving production efficiency and profitability of the enterprise. The aim of the article is to study the current state of digitalization of livestock in Ukraine and determine the prospects for the introduction of digital technologies in the practice of agricultural enterprises. The subject of research is the processes of digital transformation of animal husbandry. On the basis of theoretical generalization, methods of analysis and synthesis the approaches of scientists to aspects of agricultural production in the conditions of digital transformation are investigated. Information materials were used in the research, including from the sites where the results of research and information on the digitization of the livestock industry are presented. The current state of the livestock industry is analyzed. The necessity of revival and ensuring sustainable development of the industry is proved. On the basis of the conducted analysis the estimation of application of digital technologies at the agricultural enterprises of branch of animal husbandry in the modern period is given. The need to increase the level of digitalization, using the latest advances in information technology. An assessment of the level of development of information technology used in different countries to ensure the digitalization of animal husbandry. Examples of introduction of digital technologies in large Ukrainian agricultural holdings are given. Based on the analysis, an assessment of the use of digital technologies in agricultural enterprises in the modern period is given. Factors that slow down the introduction of digital technologies have been identified. Promising digital solutions for the livestock business are considered. It is noted that digitalization should optimize and simplify many production processes, increase profitability and profitability of the business. Need a thorough analysis and in-depth research on the cost-effectiveness of the introduction of digitization tools in the livestock sector. Areas for further work to identify measures that could be taken into account in order to expand the introduction of digital technologies in agriculture, including farms.


West Ukrainian National University

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