1. Odesa State Agrarian University
The article presents the study of the current state of such livestock industries as cattle breeding, pig breeding and sheep breeding. After all, Ukraine has favorable natural and economic conditions for keeping animals in these industries and also favorable conditions for growing the necessary crops in order to create a full-fledged fodder base for livestock. The world's demand for livestock products is growing due to the growing rate of population growth. This is the impetus for increasing exports of livestock products and increasing foreign exchange earnings from foreign economic activity. On the other hand, the need of Ukrainians for livestock products is unmet due to the protracted crisis in which the industry appears to be. The size of these livestock industries is constantly declining due to the reduction of livestock and it is mainly concentrated in households. It has been found that the number of animals in the population has also been declining recently due to reduced efficiency. It is determined that the number of enterprises producing these types of products has decreased; and the operating conditions for small and medium-sized businesses in this area are particularly difficult. Among the considered branches of agrarians’ pig breeding is economically attractive. The considered levels of animal productivity give grounds to draw a conclusion about low indicators, their lag behind the indicators of productivity in competing countries and the incredible potential for growth in the future. Summarizing, we outline that the restraining factors in the development of animal husbandry are as follows: the use of outdated technologies of livestock production and low level of innovation activity of farmers; no motivation for vertical integration; unbalanced state policy to regulate issues in the industry. The study identifies the main factors that impact the efficiency of livestock industries in Ukraine, in particular, selection work, government support, the creation of procurement cooperatives, vertical integration.
Keywords: animal husbandry, cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, development, productivity, technology.
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