Being commoditized of tourist space through reproduction: Mevlana museum and its site




1. süleyman demirel üniversitesi


Which are among the most important touristic attractions of Konya have constantly been subjected to change and conversion especially with neoliberal policies applied since 1980. The reproduction of the markets which are in the historical city centre hasn't only changed the markets but also changed the tradesmen's relationship and customer's attitudes. The change experienced in the social space has reflected the consumption culture and it's included the fund through space and meta. The pattern of phenomenology which is one of the methods of quantitative research is used on this research in order to fathom the process occured during the research and analyze the results. I had an interview with 10 tradesmen who have been working in the area for a long time as a sample in order to perceive the change and conversion process. According to the findings of the interview with the participants, the inadequacy of the participants' numbers on the applied change and conversion caused that they don't have the right to comment on it, the process has always remained on the agenda that it's turned it into a uncertain situation. The meanings attributed to the space has changed due to the conversion activities that have been experienced. The usage of "Mevlana" factor as meta used on the city image and its identity has brought with the commodification due to the space's being seen as fund and an important tourist attraction.


Turkish Geograpical Review

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