Analisis menu a’la carte menggunakan metode menu engineering di poppies restaurant kuta


Anggitha I Putu Nanda,Sudiarta I Nyoman,Kuntariati Utik


Dari banyaknya Restoran di Bali, ternyata belum semua restoran melakukan analisis Menu Enginering secara rutin yang menyebabkan tidak adanya data untuk mengetahui performa menu dan juga keuntungan. Dalam penelitian ini akan menganalisa menu a’la carte di Poppies Restaurant menggunakan metode menu engineering. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dari 80 item menu a’la carte di poppies restaurant terdapat 22 item termasuk dalam kategori star, 30 item termasuk dalam kategori plowhorse, 9 item termasuk dalam kategore puzzle, dan 19 item yang termasuk dalam kategoti dog. Hasil analisis tersebut menunjukkan klasifikasi menu dog masih cukup tinggi, hal itu menunjukkan performa menu a’la carte di Poppies Restaurant belum maksimal dan harus diperbaiki, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukannya analisis menu rutin intensif untuk memaksimalkan performa menu dan pendapatan di Poppies Restaurant.   Of the many restaurants in Bali, it turns out that not all restaurants perform Menu Enginering analysis on a regular basis which causes no data to determine menu performance and profits. In this study, we will analyze the a'la carte menu at Poppies Restaurant using the menu engineering method. The results showed that of the 80 a'la carte menu items at Poppies restaurant there were 22 items included in the star category, 30 items included in the plowhorse category, 9 items included in the puzzle category, and 19 items which are included in the dog category. The results of the analysis show that the classification of the dog menu is still quite high, it shows that the performance of the a'la carte menu at Poppies Restaurant has not been maximized and must be improved, therefore it is necessary to do an intensive routine menu analysis to maximize menu performance and income at Poppies Restaurant.


JBHOST Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism

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1. A New Menu Analysis Approach: Time-Driven Menu Engineering (TDME);Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism;2023-09-27







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