The place of digital competency in the structure of professional competency of a foreign language teacher


Andreeva Antonina Andreevna1


1. Saint-Petersburg Polytechnical University of the Great Peter


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to include the digital competency of a foreign language teacher in the structure of his professional competency along with communicative, philological, methodological, psychological-pedagogical and personal competences. The article focuses on the importance of the formation of digital competency in the framework of professional training and retraining of foreign language teachers in connection with the ongoing process of digitalization of the education system in general and language education in particular. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author has determined and substantiated the place of digital competency in the structure of the professional competency of a foreign language teacher, based on a systematic analysis of publications of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of professional teacher training. As a result, the content and structure of the digital competency of a foreign language teacher are clarified and the need for its consolidation as a component of professional competency is substantiated.


LLC Publisher Stavrolit


General Medicine,General Chemistry

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