AbstractA forest fire in a cool-temperate broad-leaved forest in northern Japan, from 26 May to 19 June 2019, provided an opportunity to examine its effects on young and dense birch (Betula ermanii Cham.) stands in soil scarification sites. To characterise post-fire responses (survival and resprouting) of birch, we set up two plots, 6 months post fire. We investigated trunk diameter at breast height and burn marks on tree trunks (scorch height and charring percentage around the tree bole) of all B. ermanii trees in both plots. Survival and resprouting of each tree were monitored over 2 years (6 and 16 months post fire). To quantify post-fire vegetation recovery in the forest floor, we manually mapped the dominant understory plant, dwarf bamboo (i.e. Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino et Shibata), from orthomosaic images obtained by an unmanned aircraft vehicle, and estimated the recovery rate in the second year post fire. Additionally, seedlings of woody species were counted in both plots. Size-dependent survival rates of plants in both plots were similar in the first year post fire. All B. ermanii trees died without resprouting in the second year post fire, indicating the lethal effects of fire on young birch trees. Moreover, a high recovery rate of dwarf bamboos over 2 years in both plots and limited seedling establishment of woody plants suggest that the fire resulted in regeneration failure of young stands in the scarification sites. On the basis of these findings, we propose future management of stands in soil scarification sites post fire, considering the vulnerability of young trees and the rapid change in vegetation from young forest to dense birch cover post fire.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory