ABSTRACTThePlasmodium falciparummerozoite surface protein MSPDBL2 is a polymorphic antigen targeted by acquired immune responses, and normally expressed in only a minority of mature schizonts. The potential relationship of MSPDBL2 to sexual commitment is examined, as variablemspdbl2transcript levels and proportions of MSPDBL2-positive mature schizonts in clinical isolates have previously correlated with levels of many sexual stage parasite gene transcripts, although not with the master regulatorap2-g. It is demonstrated that conditional overexpression of GDV1, which promotes sexual commitment, also substantially increases the proportion of MSPDBL2-positive schizonts in culture. Conversely, truncation of thegdv1gene is shown to prevent any expression of MSPDBL2. However, across diverseP. falciparumcultured lines the variable proportions of MSPDBL2 positivity in schizonts does not correlate significantly with variable gametocyte conversion rates, indicating it is not involved in sexual commitment. Confirming this, examining a line with endogenous HA-tagged AP2-G showed that the individual schizonts expressing MSPDBL2 are mostly different to those expressing AP2-G. Using a selection-linked integration system, modifiedP. falciparumlines were engineered to express an intact or disrupted version of MSPDBL2, showing the protein is not required for sexual commitment or early gametocyte development. Asexual parasite multiplication rates were also not affected by expression of either intact or disrupted MSPDBL2 in a majority of schizonts. Occurring alongside sexual commitment, the role of the discrete MSPDBL2-positive schizont subpopulation requires further investigation in natural infections where it is under immune selection.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory