Visualizing Population Structure with Variational Autoencoders


Battey C. J.,Coffing Gabrielle C.,Kern Andrew D.ORCID


AbstractDimensionality reduction is a common tool for visualization and inference of population structure from genotypes, but popular methods either return too many dimensions for easy plotting (PCA) or fail to preserve global geometry (t-SNE and UMAP). Here we explore the utility of variational autoencoders (VAEs) – generative machine learning models in which a pair of neural networks seek to first compress and then recreate the input data – for visualizing population genetic variation. VAEs incorporate non-linear relationships, allow users to define the dimensionality of the latent space, and in our tests preserve global geometry better than t-SNE and UMAP. Our implementation, which we call popvae, is available as a command-line python program at The approach yields latent embeddings that capture subtle aspects of population structure in humans and Anopheles mosquitoes, and can generate artificial genotypes characteristic of a given sample or population.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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